Aloha Bahamas
When I first decided to sail around the world I read a bunch of books hoping to see what it would be like and of course learn how to actually sail. One of the things that really stuck out with me was reading The Dove by Robin Lee Graham. When he was in the Caribbean he spoke of a fatigue. He had just gotten a newer and bigger boat provided by National Geographic and was in one of the most beautiful places in the world yet fought depression, loneliness, fatigue, and found it hard to continue even though he was nearly finished with his circumnavigation. This stuck out with me because he was living my dream and still felt this way.

6.5 years is a really long time to do this alone and I now know the doldrums of constantly being on the move. Even with visiting 32 countries and countless amazing islands, experiencing unique cultures, meeting and becoming friends with fellow sailors, it is increasingly difficult to keep up the level of excitement. The laws of diminishing returns is part of it but there is also a fatigue and social hangover from getting close with people and moving on weather it is a love interest or an accepting community.
It was amazing sharing this lifestyle with Jo and Wyla. Seeing the excitement in their eyes with stuff that has become normal for me was refreshing even if Wyla would prefer in most cases to be watching Blippi. I’ve been lucky to be able to share this with a few friends, my parents, and nephew. Watching a 3 yr old adapt to boat life was pretty special even if it was under protest a fair amount of the time.

Bahamas cruising is a pretty amazing thing and I’m really happy I was able to experience it at a time where there are very few yachts or tourists. After 6.5 years and 30+ countries there are not many things that are the best in new places especially after Palmyra, Chagos, Antarctica, and Andaman islands. The Bahamas does have the clearest water I’ve seen, by far the most sharks and lobsters, and I’m pretty sure the most expensive beer and groceries. I was a blessing to spend 2.5 months here and be able to share it with loved ones.

As with most places it is bittersweet leaving the Bahamas and there will be the usual social hangover. The doldrums and loneliness have not yet exceeded my desire for new and remote places though and with a few remote reefs, Providencia, Panama, and Galapagos on the itinerary I’m still excited to be world cruising. The fatigue of 6.5 years wears on me but Hawaii is getting really close and I’ll try to savor every moment of what is left of my unique journey.

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