The time has come where the leis have dried up, the free drinks are less frequent, and the questions have shifted from my trip to what is next. This situation is remarkably similar to the one I experienced shortly after my bankruptcy when I 1st made the decision to sail around the world alone. I’m still essentially broke with no credit yet debt free. The biggest difference is I now have opportunities popping up because I sailed around the world alone. There are also all the contacts I made along the way.

I have been a bit distant from my social media and crowdfunding since I’ve been back home. The media attention is flattering though a bit fatiguing. I really just wanted to take some time to spend with loved ones and absorb the completion of this goal. It is the 1st time in my life I’ve completed a goal anywhere near the scope of this. 10 years of work, preparation, sacrifice, and amazing goodwill realized my dream. I didn’t just sail around the world alone. There were 480 Gofundme supporters, 38 Patreons, and countless others that made sure I did it safely.

My goal is to create a platform that brings attention to environmental and humanitarian issues, use my experience to help inspire others, and continue a life filled with exploration. I’m still writing my book, working on my public speaking, and planning on getting my captain’s license. There is no way I could fully repay the generosity people have shown me through crowd funding but hopefully I can find a way to pay it forward.

My Gofundme was originally set up to fix up Rudis then shifted to helping through my trip. I couldn’t be more thankful to everyone that helped accomplish this. I feel it is time to shut it down since I am now back home. I will keep the GoFundMe up until April if anyone wants to send a bit more love there. Any further support will help me travel for upcoming events and pay for my captain’s license.
I’m going to shift my Patreon to support my public speaking and further projects and will be posting my speeches and blogs there. For those that wish to support this I’ll add some links. With my most sincere gratitude.
Dustin Reynolds
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