Most people do not look at Wile E Coyote as the role model or cautionary tale as I do. There is something to be said about chasing what seems to be an incredibly elusive target and only fail when you stop, look down, and realize there is nothing beneath your feet.

Many people told me I couldn’t achieve my goal or even thought I was suicidal. I wasn’t! Yet, there are many times where if I simply stopped, looked down and saw the complexity and difficulty of what I was trying to do could I have fallen? The age old question of what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object is simply the one that doesn’t stop wins. Hurricanes relent and mountains erode and sink.

The most difficult part of my circumnavigation so far was arriving in Thailand with a leaking boat I knew was not in a condition to keep going. It had been almost a year of hardship with unrelenting boat issues. I was fatigued, lonely, and uncertain if I wanted to continue. I desperately needed a break but was at a point where I had a choice to send up a flare and ask for help or quit.

It is incredibly difficult for me to ask for help. At that time of uncertainty I was not sure if I wanted it. Starting the GoFundMe meant making a commitment to finishing my circumnavigation. There was also the danger of raising enough to fix a few things but not enough to really prepare for the Indian ocean. Then feeling obligated to continue on an unsafe boat.

My original goal was 15,000 usd and fixing up Rudis. When it became apparent Rudis needed much more to be safe for the rest of the trip I upped it to 20,000 and was able to buy Tiama. I then upped it one more time in South Africa to cover the maintenance for the rest of my lap. The safety net crowd funding has given me has positively affected my trip immeasurably. Tiama is in great shape and the finish line is only about 4,000 miles away. I’ll take the 6,000 mile scenic route home though.

I think the main difference between me and those that never leave the comfort of their home port is not focusing on what can go wrong. During these last 7 years I’ve not only learned to trust my own ability but also to trust the kindness and generosity of others no matter what country I’m in. Being where I am now is only because I’ve continued to run without looking down and others have built the bridge beneath me.

To everyone that has continued to support me by funding, helping with boatwork, weather routing, or being a friend to talk to during long bits of solitude.
Thank you!

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